Fresh Eyes!

You have lived in your home for a year, 2 years or 30 years. You see things others don’t! You have also learnt to live with things that you don’t worry about,  until……………………..You decide to sell!!! Oh Dear, what do we have to fix? Is it worth fixing? Will anyone notice? Does the house present O.K? Is my version of presentation the same as most people or will they not like my decorating? Is it dated? too cluttered? too boring? too daggy?………………Ah, Yes, I have heard it many times before, as well as figuring out all the financial side of selling, there is the presentation side of things. WE can tell you with ‘Fresh Eyes’ what you need to work on, do and not do. Many, many years experience and thousands of houses later, we have a good understanding of what is needed and also alleviates  some of the worry and guess work for yourselves. Don’t leave it to chance as you only get one chance to make a good first impression!

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